Monday 2 September 2013

Countdown to Nepal 4, 3, 2, 1 … yikes

Received a package from CECI a few weeks back with my airline tickets, insurance documents and contract to sign. After opening it up I had to take a few moments to take it all in. This is really happening I am going to Nepal.
I am almost done my packing, probably over packing but it is what it is. I bought these compression bags at the dollar store now everything will be nice and compact. They are see through, so I can see exactly what is in each bag, organization is a good thing.

Went to the dollar store and bought some Canadian type items to take with me to give away while I am in Nepal. All the volunteers that have gone over have said that they love that kind of stuff. I also hear that they  do love their sweets. Looks like I will be a frequent flyer at the bakery near the Passage House.  

I bought myself an e-reader over the weekend, so between the e-reader, movies and sleep aids the 30 hours of travel time should go by really fast. Here’s hoping anyways. I am meeting two long term volunteers in Montreal and we will be travelling the rest of the way together. They are working for the same organization that I am the Lalitpur Dairy Milk Producers Union (LDMPCU).

I had a test run with Michelle on Skype and it worked like a charm, Now I can skype my little heart out. Depending on whether or not I am having a good hair day depends on whether or not the camera is on.

If anyone wants to send me an email you can send it to

The next time I add a post I will be in Kathmandau.


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