Tuesday 10 September 2013

Back to work for me it is

September 09

Went to Chapagoan to meet my Host Partner. It was about an hour ride went fast as I was very interested in seeing everything. The meeting was about an hour very informal just a meet and greet of sorts.After the meeting Babina and I were waiting outside of the LDMPCU office and I felt like I was quite an attraction being the only white person.  About half way through our ride home Babina (CECI Staff) got out as where we were was near her home and  it would not have made sense for her to come all the way back to the Passage House since it was quitting time anyways. So, here I am all alone with this man that doesn’t speak English. It seemed like were going a different route than what we had originally taken, but seriously who am I kidding I don’t have a sense of direction at the best of times. He made a stop to pick up some stuff, and all I was thinking is someone going to find me on the side of the road. I made it back home though so it was all good. Another strange thing about this ride is that the driver used his blinkers, everyone else is honking and here this guy is using his blinkers.
September 10

Had my first day of work today, went good. Sat down with Uddhav to discuss what he wanted. I have to admit it is a little unclear. Tomorrow a previous volunteer will be with me and he will be able to talk to Uddhav and then communicate with me what is needed. Today wasn’t a right off by any means I was going through some of the spreadsheets that had already been sent to me and started creating databases in Access. I can’t believe how fast the day went. Today is a womens festival and I keep hearing this wonderful music. Also heard children laughing and playing, love that sound. This may be tmi, but I will share just the same. I heard the washroom at work was not something I wanted to use, I hadn’t used the little girls room all day and a girls gotta go. So, I ventured out to the washroom, and was surprised to see an actual toilet, what a luxury. No chance of sitting down though it was filthy, and it is quite stinky. Did my business and went back to my desk and used some hand sanitizer. I lived to tell so I am happy about that.

On my way to work this morning I saw this women having a bath outside. Her top was half way down, and she was having her morning bath. I was staring at her and her little boy was also staring at me probably thinking mind your business lady.


  1. I litterally laughed out loud reading your post! So awesome, and I could totally hear you as if I was right there. A girls gotta go...am I going to be left on the side of the road...no control over anything, but just to be in the moment. Feel the fear and do it anyways lol!! Love it :) Keep sharing, it's so great to hear all that you are taking on so far. Very inspiring :)

  2. Love the posts and all the photos Rhonda! I am re-living my experience through your adventure! Sounds like you are doing very well over there :) You lucked out getting the big bedroom away from the dog breeder. Looking forward to hearing about your first week. Stay safe!

  3. Hi Ladies, it is going great on the other side of the world. Yesterday everything seemed to click and I felt settled. I had a few tears yesterday morning, got some calming energy sent from Winnipeg ... thanks sis and I was good to go. Glad everyone is enjoying my blog. Keep on following.


  4. Hey Rhonda,

    It sounds like you are enjoying your adventure. I hope your trip continues to go well.


  5. Hi Jim definitely enjoying myself. I have to pinch myself can't believe where I am.
