Friday 27 September 2013

Last day at the office

Went into the office with Babina for my final meeting with Uddhav. There were board members, chairperson, farmers I think in total around 11 or 12. They weren’t really all there for me they already had a meeting planned and my good bye fit into the plan just perfectly. They had some delicious sweet tea with some biscuits. I brought some goodies from the European Bakery as well as a bag of Werthers candies.

They had a few speeches, and someone apologized for the office conditions and that it was not up to par as to what I was used to. To that I said no apology necessary, I felt bad that they even felt they had to apologize. After their speeches were done they wanted me to take the floor. I told them how appreciative I was for the opportunity I had of being able to work with them, and that this experience would not be soon forgotten. I know as time goes by I will reflect more and  more about my time in Nepal. As we were driving to Chapagaon it was quite sad as I knew I wouldn’t be driving down this road again. A lot of the time when I was driven into  work I would have a nap. I wasn’t going to do that this time I wanted to make sure that I took everything in. After all the speeches were done I was given a tikka and a ceremonial scarf called a khata and a beautiful smelling garland made of marigolds and it smelled deliciously sweet. I also received a beautiful Buddha statue. It was an amazing experience they were all honoring me, talk about being the centre of attention. I am so blessed that I had this opportunity I can’t say that enough.

It was very emotional leaving the office today, knowing that I will probably never be back ...  never say never. I enjoyed working with Uddhav and Chandra, they were so eager to learn and appreciated anything that I was able to help them with.


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