Tuesday 17 September 2013

September 18 I think that is what day it is, not totally sure

Went out for supper with Anne and Tom last night delish once again. Not sure what I had but It was good just the same. After supper Tom took me for a leisurely motorcycle ride back to the Passage House. Thank goodness it wasn’t rush hour I was scared but I loved it. Thought there is no way I can pass up on this opportunity.

 I haven't been feeling very good for the last few days, I attributed it to the heat. I have been drinking copious amounts of water and adding electrolytes to it as well. I called the international clinic this morning to see if they thought I could do something else. I spoke with the doctor and he said that he didn’t think it was heat exhaustion (damn web MD) just my body not used to the extreme heat. Two factors against me, my ripe old age and the fact that I am diabetic. He told me to continue to drink a lot of water but not add the electrolytes to all my water. Oops that is what I was doing, so today I will cut down on my electrolyte consumption.

 Going to Pokhara for the weekend, some of the past volunteers have gone and loved it. I plan on doing a leisurely hike and hire someone to take me on a boat ride, and I might be able to fit in some shopping. I was talking to one of my roomies about my plans and the hike and she said how long a hike are you planning on going on, she was thinking it would be a four or five day hike. I am thinking more on the lines of a four hour hike. More my speed. Besides I am only there for the weekend.

The other day I didn’t feel like going out to eat and since I had a few groceries thought I would make myself something to eat. I had some paneer cheese that I needed to heat up, so I grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard and noticed that there were ants all over it. I know I have mentioned that I am finding it difficult to get protein in my diet, wasn’t really looking to get it that way. What does one do in a situation like this. First, boil some water and then clean the pan and proceed to make your supper. I had some green beans on the side it was quite good if I do say so myself. It wasn’t like I did anything it came from a package … easy peasy.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned. Four hour hike is still a pretty good adventure in a new place. Will anyone be joining you? Be sure to post lots of pictures from your weekend adventure. I suppose today is your Friday, so you may already be on you way! That's exciting. Cheese sounds deelish! I love that you are living outside of your comfort zone. And I agree, you do need protein, but it's not Survivor lol...blech!! Take care and safe travels :)
