Saturday 15 June 2013

Just Blogging

I have sent all the documentation and obtained all the shots and sent this information off to Hilda at CECI, looks like my administrative file is now complete.

Sent an email to my host partner in Nepal to formally introduce myseaf and get some clarity on what their expectations were of me during my 3 week mandate. I knew that they wanted me to create a database for their cooperative members , I wanted to know what type of program they were working on and what exactly they wanted the database to do. Received an email from Uddhav (he is the manager in the office that I will be working in), he attached a sample spreadsheet for me to look at. He said that is was quite basic but would give me an idea of what they were looking for. Talked to my co-workers on how best to manipulate the data to able them to manage it. Leema  suggested working with Access, she said that there is so much more that can be done  with Access rather than working with Excel.  I have never created a database with Access I am not going to let that stop me. So, online I go to go through some tutorials and start creating.

Monday 10 June 2013

L4C Pre-departure Orientation

The L4C pre-departure orientation was held in Toronto on June 01 and 02 at the Ramada in downtown Toronto. First day we introduced each other and shared something about ourselves and what motivated us to become involved in the L4C program. It was an intensive two days and we were giving a wealth of information. We did a lot of role playing really enjoyed that, definitely gave you food for thought. The two ladies facilitating the orientation were great and did an amazing job of keeping everything moving  smoothly. Had the opportunity to skype in with Angelina (she is a representative for Nepal)to ask any questions that we had regarding Nepal. Things we asked were what to wear, safety,  mannerisms, things to pack, weather.
Here are a few do's and dont's to be aware of while in Nepal
Don't eat with your left hand as it is seen as being unclean
Remember, many times, when a person shakes his head from left to right, he may mean "YES". That could get a tad confusing
Before entering a Nepalese home, temple, and stupa remember to remove your shoes. That shouldn’t be a problem as Canadians we usually remove our shoes when entering someone’s house.
Walking around temples or stupas is traditionally done clockwise.
The form of greeting in Nepal is”Namaste” and is performed by holding the hands together

Here is a picture of my volunteer family.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Applying for Leave for Change

November 30, 2012, was the deadline to apply for Leave for Change.  I applied for L4C in 2011 even though I wasn’t accepted, I didn’t let that deter me. I knew that I wanted to volunteer overseas, so I went online and looked into volunteer opportunities and  decided to go on a 2 week volunteer/tour in Costa Rica volunteering at a turtle conservatory.

 Now to start filling out the application. Since I had already gone through this process last year I knew what had to be done, so I completed the application and sent it off.  Received an email that I was one of the applicants that they wanted to have an interview with. After last years interview I had written down all the questions that I had remembered  so I went through these questions and made sure that I was prepared and had an answer for anything they threw at me. My interview was on Monday January 14, it was a telephone interview so I spread all my paperwork out in front of me to refer to. The interview lasted about 1 hour and I felt very confident about the entire process. I did what I could and now it was up to the universe. 
I received an email on January 22 saying that I had been accepted . Now what, I was so excited and so terrified at the same time. What have I done? Can I do this, do I have the skills needed to accomplish what is expected of me?  The next step in the process was to match my skills with a mandate overseas. My resume was sent to the field office for them to make the final decision.

 Got my mandate, now I know where I am going. I am going to Lalitpur, Nepal and will be working with the Lalitpur District Milk Producers Cooperative Union (DPMCU). The office is in Chapagon, Lalitpur District south of Kathmandu. My mandate is to review their record keeping and identify any additional information needs. I will be working with the staff to enter and compile existing information into a database.  I will train members on how to update and maintain the database. My mandate is from September 09  - 28, 2013.

You know you have made it when you see your name in print. The following notice was sent to all of the Sovereign offices across Canada. I didn't let the fame go to my head though, mind you I did have an autograph session.



Saturday 8 June 2013

What is Leave for Change?

Leave for Change is a volunteering initiative that allows employees to use their vacation for a volunteer assignment overseas.  This program is organized and operated by Uniterra.

Employees have the opportunity to put their knowledge and skills to work in assignments ranging from computer skills, accounting, marketing, human resources or communications. The volunteer is matched with a host partner where their skills can be best utilized.

For more information on the Uniterra volunteering initiative visit the following site:


My name is Rhonda Klaassen  and I live in Calgary, I originally hailed from Manitoba and when I was 20 decided to pack up the wagon and head out west.

I work for an insurance company in the Resource Department. My 9th anniversary is coming up in August, where did the time go. I enjoy going to the gym, well ok maybe I don't enjoy it as much as I realize the health benefits to working out. I enjoy reading, travelling, so much more world for me to see

I have one very amazing daughter who has given me a wonderful  four legged grand child. We really didn’t do to much for holidays when she was growing up. In 2009 we took a holiday of a lifetime and went to Egypt. After my first taste of travel I knew I was hooked and had to see more of the world.  For the last 7years I have been actively volunteering in my community.  I volunteer at the Calgary Humane Society and  The Interfaith Food Bank . Then I got to thinking hey I like volunteering why not volunteer overseas. So that is what got the ball rolling, like they say the rest is history.