Wednesday 9 October 2013

Last Day In Nepal

Called my trustworthy Shyam to see if he could be my driver for my last day in Nepal. Arranged a pickup for 9:00 A.M. Got a call from Anne to ask if it was alright if Thomas and her joined me for the day, I said most definitely it was great to have the company. We went to the Monkey Temple and the Royal Palace. It was a fantastic last day. When I got back to the Passage House the roomies and I went to the Lakuri Café for a late lunch.

Finished my packing, and waited for my ride to take me to the airport. Got dropped off at the airport and had two hours left before my flight left. Since I had some rupees left I checked out the shops to get a few last things that I really didn’t need but didn’t see any benefit in taking the rupees home with me.

Namaste to an amazing country, I will not forget the time that I have spent in Nepal.

Friday 27 September 2013

Last day at the office

Went into the office with Babina for my final meeting with Uddhav. There were board members, chairperson, farmers I think in total around 11 or 12. They weren’t really all there for me they already had a meeting planned and my good bye fit into the plan just perfectly. They had some delicious sweet tea with some biscuits. I brought some goodies from the European Bakery as well as a bag of Werthers candies.

They had a few speeches, and someone apologized for the office conditions and that it was not up to par as to what I was used to. To that I said no apology necessary, I felt bad that they even felt they had to apologize. After their speeches were done they wanted me to take the floor. I told them how appreciative I was for the opportunity I had of being able to work with them, and that this experience would not be soon forgotten. I know as time goes by I will reflect more and  more about my time in Nepal. As we were driving to Chapagaon it was quite sad as I knew I wouldn’t be driving down this road again. A lot of the time when I was driven into  work I would have a nap. I wasn’t going to do that this time I wanted to make sure that I took everything in. After all the speeches were done I was given a tikka and a ceremonial scarf called a khata and a beautiful smelling garland made of marigolds and it smelled deliciously sweet. I also received a beautiful Buddha statue. It was an amazing experience they were all honoring me, talk about being the centre of attention. I am so blessed that I had this opportunity I can’t say that enough.

It was very emotional leaving the office today, knowing that I will probably never be back ...  never say never. I enjoyed working with Uddhav and Chandra, they were so eager to learn and appreciated anything that I was able to help them with.


Good bye ceremony

Thursday 26 September 2013

Happy Birthday to me

Went into the office with Chandra today he has helped a lot with the translating since my Nepali is pretty much next to nothing other than namaste, Tonight a taxi driver was  teaching us to say right. Could come in handy as long as you only have to turn right. Today was my last day of work and tomorrow Babina will be taking me into the office for my end of mandate meeting. The first two weeks I was alone at the office and this week the two long term volunteers from Halifax have been there. Nice to be able to have a conversation with somebody. This afternoon Uddhav took us for a little walk around Chapagaon. We went to a little forested area with a temple it was a nice leisurely walk.Nice to get out of the office for a bit. Had a meeting with Uddhav and Chandra going over the database I had created for them. It is very basic but it will give them something to work with and develop as needed. Chandra was like a sponge and was very keen to learn. He was great to work with.

I spent my birthday evening with a bunch of strangers. There are some aussie university students that invited us to their party. Was nice to get out for the evening … where should I spend my birthday next year?
I had to get to the party by myself since my roomies were going straight from work. I called my trustworthy Shyam to take me since I knew he would not leave me stranded. Getting anywhere in Kathmandu is very interesting to say the least since there are no street names. These are the directions I got to get to their place.

OK so tell the cab driver to go to Roadhouse cafe in Jhamsikhel, near St Mary's School. From Roadhouse Cafe, if you're facing the cafe, turn right and walk about 50 m. You'll hit a yellow sign for Dan Ran Japanese restaurant. Turn left into that lane and we're the first blue gate on your right.
Alternatively, if the cab driver doesn't know where Roadhouse cafe is, tell him go up Pulchowk Road (you'll pass the Himalayan Hotel on your left). Then turn right at the big Suzuki sign, at the overpass bridge and with Namaste Supermarket on your left. Go down that lane and turn left where the Kantipur Radio building is. Don't go uphill into the radio building, just keep going straight and we're the blue gate on your left. You'll see a terrace with prayer flags.

Made it there thanks to Shyam, worth the 500 rupees I paid him.


A stroll through Chapagaon

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Just yesterday I was mentioning that I had not seen any bugs while I was here, should not have tempted fate. Last night I saw this huge bug on the way up to the roof top balcony. It was a hard shelled beetle of sorts, I told him I came in peace and he let me pass. Then this morning I had the pleasure of having my breakfast with a gecko. Ok, now I have seen bugs please do not show yourselves again.

